The most enjoyable subject...

 In high school I liked history class and the natural sciences so much. But now, at the University, I do not have a favorite subject, because I like almost everything.

 One of the subject that I like is laboratory techniques.

  It is a class that they teach in the first semester of the career. They teach how to work in the laboratory, how to use laboratory equipment and different laboratory processes.

 I like this subject because I was always interested in working in a laboratory. I watched a television series called Dexter's Lab, a genius kid who has a lab in his house. When I had biology or chemistry classes and went to the lab, I was very happy. I thought about everything I could mix or create.

  Laboratory techniques have theoretical and practical classes. First the theory is taught and then how to perform each process is taught. They teach how to use scales, how to use the lighter, how to filter at a reduced pressure and even recrystallize, among other things.

The people who participate in this class are the teachers. They teach us the basic concepts we use here and in other lab classes. There are also laboratory assistants and students, which are approximately 150.

  This class is important, because it is the basis of all the knowledge that we have of a laboratory and how to work in it.


  1. laboratory techniques is a very important class, but I was really bad in that class :)

  2. I think the same, Laboratory techniques is the pilar if you want to work in a laboratory.

  3. I also like laboratory techniques, is really important for this career :)

  4. I also saw dexter's lab and I liked it a lot

  5. laboratory techniques is entertaining and very interesting!


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