Feeding disorders

The feeding disorders begin with concerns about food and weight. The people with feeding disorders use food and the control of the food as an attempt to compensate the feelings that would otherwise unbearable.

For some, diet, bingeing and purging can be a way to deal with painful emotions, but in the end these behaviors harm physical and emotional health, the self-esteem and the feeling of competitiveness and personal control.

This disorder is more common in teenagers. Well, according to statistics are five women for a man who tries to have a perfect shape and achieve the parameters of beauty imposed by society. The increase of this disorder, increase of five years to date, with teenagers between 14 to 17 years being the most affected.

The treatment includes restoring proper nutrition, achieving a healthy body weight, reducing excess exercise and stopping bingeing and purging. The treatments are: psychotherapy, control and medical attention, nutritional advice and medicines.

When this disorder affects a person, his family is also affected. Therefore, both the patient and their families should receive treatment to achieve improvement.

Love yourself as you are and be happy.


  1. it´s so sad when a person is affected for this illnesses :c

  2. I have a cousin who suffered from anorexia and it was very sad for the whole family.


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